1992.10-1992.12: 中山大学化学系从事教学和科研工作,副教授;
1994.12-1995.11: 中山大学化学系从事教学和科研工作,副教授;
1995.12-1996.08: 任中山大学化学系教授;
1996.09-1997.08:在德国拜耳公司(Bayer AG)药物研究中心作为高级研究员任职;
国际期刊Natural Products and Bioprospecting主编,2011年8月起
国际期刊Journal of Ginseng Research副主编, 2015年1月起
国际期刊 Journal of Chemical Ecology编委,2011年7月起
国际期刊Mycological Progress编委,2011年3月起
国际期刊Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung C编委,2016年6月起
国际期刊Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics编委,2007年12月起
国际期刊Journal of Asian Natural Products Research编委,2010年1月起
云南省自然科学奖“高等真菌次生代谢产物及其生物活性” ,二等,刘吉开、丁智慧、董泽军、胡琳、谭建文、高锦明,2002年;
1、中国特有植物和微生物药用活性物质的基础研究(973项目2009CB522300),2009-2013, 3000万元,首席科学家
7、抗HIV药物药效评价及新机理研究关键技术平台研究(新药专项2009ZX09501-029), 2009-2010; 89.5万,课题负责人
刘吉开1988年获得博士学位,1995年任中山大学化学系教授。2002年获国家杰出青年基金。2008年成为“973”首席科学家。研究成果曾获2003年度国家自然科学二等奖、CAS-Bayer奖、2007年度云南省自然科学一等奖、2009年获谈家桢生命科学创新奖。2006年获中国科学院优秀教师称号(指导研究生)。至今,以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外发表学术论文300多篇,其中SCI论文200多篇,影响因子10以上的有8篇,影响因子5以上的有24篇。著作1部,获国内外授权专利10项(包括3个国际专利授权)。他现担任国际期刊Nat. Prod. & Bioprospect. 主编,J. Chem. Ecol.等4个国际期刊的编委,以及国内多种期刊编委。曾获德国洪堡研究奖学金,在德国留学多年,在德国拜耳公司药物研究中心从事过药物研究工作。
系统地开展了高等真菌药物化学和生物活性成分研究,并形成了特色,所领导的研究团队目前已成为世界上高等真菌化学和生物活性研究的中心之一。已完成200多种高等真菌的化学成分研究,并对高等真菌子实体和发酵液提取物进行了多方面的活性研究,分离鉴定了2000余个不同类型的化合物,其中有700多个新化合物,包括10个新的结构骨架类型,发现了一系列结构新颖、有价值的生物活性物质。经生物活性和药理学试验,发现有些化合物具有抗肿瘤、糖和脂代谢调节、抗艾滋病毒、致幻等多种显著的生物活性,有多个分子目前作为候选药物分子在评价之中。发现的化合物中先后有10多个被国际天然产物权威杂志Nat. Prod. Rep.(《天然产物报告》)列为“研究热点”。从云南新种蘑菇(Trogiavenenata)中发现了两个新的非蛋白质氨基酸毒性成分,并证实误食该蘑菇是30多年来导致云南不明猝死的原因(相关结果见Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2012, 51: 2368 ; Science 2010, 329: 132; 2012, 335: 1293)。根据研究结果,随后对其进行干预,印刷了大量宣传册,在危险和猝死发生地区进行散发,警告人们不要食用该菌。干预见到了明显效果,2010以来没有出现类似猝死报告。研究解决了长期困扰科学界的难题,挽救了200多个宝贵的生命!
从韧革菌(Boreostereum vibrans)发酵液中发现结构新颖并具有胰脂肪酶抑制活性的天然活性物质-韧革菌素(vibranlactone),通过结构改造与修饰,发现一比原型化合物活性提高500倍的活性化合物, IC50达到nM级,与现在市售的阳性对照药 Xenical(Olistat)相当。与有关人员合作阐明了其生物合成途径(相关结果见专利ZL 200610048625.0; Org. Chem. 2006, 8: 5749; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52: 2298)。还阐明了韧革菌中结构多样的杂萜类化合物的生物合成机制;发现了其中氧化脱羧关键反应的单氧化酶VibMO1;证明了由异戊烯基对羟基苯甲醇通过发散生物合成途径(a divergent pathway)形成韧革菌素类杂萜。其中3-取代的γ丁内酯类化合物Vibralactone G 新颖的生物合成途径,系首次在天然产物化学中报道(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55: 5463–5466)。现正按1类新药进行开发。
研究发现了一种先前在欧洲一直被当作食用菌、不被人们认知的危险毒蘑菇——棕灰口蘑(Tricholoma terreum)。从这种蘑菇的子实体中共分离得到十五个结构新颖的三萜,包括terreolides A–F (1–6)和 saponaceolides H–P (8–16)。其中化合物1-3具有独特的5/6/7三环螺环结构,而化合物4-6是新骨架三萜。进一步研究发现,化合物7和13,在蘑菇子实体中含量大,经小鼠口服急毒测试,发现其半数致死量分别为88.3和63.7 mg/kg,并且这两个化合物都可以引起小鼠体内肌酸激酶水平的升高。以上发现说明,棕灰口蘑很可能是10多年前在《新英格兰医学杂志》(N. Engl. J. Med. 2001, 345: 798)上报道的横纹肌溶解死亡病例的重要原因。该项研究结果发表在《欧洲化学》上(Chemistry-A European Journal 2014, 20: 7001-7009; Chemistry-A European Journal 2016, 22: 5786-5788)。
天然来源的fucosylated glycosaminoglycan(FG)具有非选择性的内源性Tenase抑制活性,由于复杂多糖的化学研究存在技术上的困难,30多年来其确切结构尚存疑问;此外因具有F.XII与血小板激活活性,天然FG的实际应用价值有限。采用糖苷键选择性解聚以及寡糖纯化技术制备了一系列来源于天然FG的寡糖化合物,并首次通过纯化寡糖化合物的结构解析阐明了复杂FG的确切化学结构(侧链Fuc取代基的存在方式及其主链连接方式);通过构效关系比较研究,首次报道了强效抑制内源性Tenase系列纯化寡糖化合物以及最小寡糖片段--FG九糖(化合物5)。选择性Tenase抑制剂的发现不仅有利于进一步阐明生理性止血与病理性血栓形成的机制差异,而且具有重要的新药研发价值。实验动物研究显示,所述FG九糖具有类似依诺肝素(LMWH)的抗血栓活性,在等效抗血栓剂量的高倍给药剂量下,依诺肝素可显著增加大鼠出血量,而FG九糖则对出血倾向无显著影响。作为主要合作者研究的该新药项目已申请一系列国内及国际(PCT)发明专利保护, 其成果发表于《美国科学院院刊》(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2015, 112, 8284-8289)上,并以首期4000万的价格转让给企业。
1.Zhou ZY, Shi GQ, Fontaine R , Wei K, Feng T, Wang F, Wang GQ, Qu Y, Li ZH, Dong ZJ, Zhu HJ, Yang ZL, Zeng G,* Liu JK,* Evidence for the natural toxins from the mushroom Trogia venenata as a cause of sudden unexpected death in Yunnan Province, China, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 2368-2370.
2.Yang YL, Zhou H, Du G, Feng KN, Feng T, Fu XL, Liu JK,* Zeng Y,* A Monooxygenase from Boreostereum vibrans Catalyzes Oxidative Decarboxylation in a Divergent Vibralactone Biosynthesis Pathway, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 5463-5466.
3.Zhao LY, Wu MY, Xiao C, Yang L, Zhou LT, Gao N, Li Z, Chen J, Chen JC, Liu JK,* Qin HB,* Zhao JH,* Discovery of an intrinsic tenase complex inhibitor: Pure nonasaccharide from fucosylated glycosaminoglycan, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 2015, 112, 8284-8289.
4.Zhao, Pei-Ji; Yang, Yan-Long; Du, Liangcheng; Liu, Ji-Kai; Zeng, Ying,Elucidating the Biosynthetic Pathway for Vibralactone: A Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitor with a Fused Bicyclicb-Lactone,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 2298-2302.
5.Liu JK. Natural terphenyls: developments since 1877, Chemical Reviews, 2006, 106, 2209-2223.
6.Liu JK. N-Containing Compounds of Macromycetes, Chemical Reviews, 2005, 105, 2723-2744.
7.Jiang MY, Feng T, Liu JK,* N-Containing compounds of macromycetes, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, 28, 783-808.
8.Zhou ZY, Liu JK,* Pigments of fungi (macromycetes), Nat. Prod. Rep, 2010, 27, 1531-1570.
9.Yin X, Feng T, Li ZH, Liu JK,* Response to the “Comment on Chemical and ToxicologicalInvestigations of a Previously Unknown Poisonous EuropeanMushroom Tricholoma terreum”, Chem. Eur. J., 2016, 22, 5786-5788.
10.Yin X, Feng T, Shang JH, Zhao YL, Wang F, Li ZH, Dong ZJ, Luo XD, Liu JK,* Chemical and Toxicological Investigations of a Previously Unknown Poisonous European Mushroom Tricholoma terreum, Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 7001-7009.
11.Gao Y, Wang GQ, Wei K, Hai P, Wang F, Liu JK,* Isolation and biomimetic synthesis of (±)-guajadial B, a novel mer-oterpenoid from Psidium guajava, Org. Lett., 2012, 14, 5936-5939.
12.Yang XY, Feng T, Li ZH, Sheng Y, Yin X, Leng Y, Liu JK,* Conosilane A, an Unprecedented Sesquiterpene from the Cultures of Basidiomycete Conocybe siliginea, Org. Lett., 2012, 14, 5382-5384.
13.Ding JH, Feng T, Li ZH, Yang XY, Guo H, Wang GQ, Liu JK,* Trefolane A, a Sesquiterpenoid with a New Skeleton from Cultures of the Basidiomycete Tremella foliacea, Org. Lett., 2012, 14, 4976-4978.
14.Wang F, Gao Y, Zhang L, Liu JK,* Bi-linderone, a highly modified methyl-linderone dimer from Lindera aggregata with activity toward improvement of insulin sensitivity in vitro,Org. Lett., 2010, 12, 2354-2357.
15.Wang F, Gao Y, Zhang L, Bai B, Hu YN, Dong ZJ, Zhai QW, Zhu HJ, Liu JK,*A pair of windmill-shaped enantiomers from Lindera aggregata with activity toward improvement of insulin sensitivity, Org. Lett., 2010, 12, 3196-3199.
16.Zhang L, Luo RH, Wang F, Jiang MY, Dong ZJ, Yang LM, Liu JK,* Highly functionalized daphnane diterpenoids from Trigonostemon thyrsoideum,Org. Lett., 2010, 12, 152-155.
17.Yang XL, Hsieh KL, Liu JK,* Guajadial: an unusual meroterpenoid from guava leaves Psidium guajava, Org. Lett.,2007, 9, 5135-5138.
18.Liu DZ, Wang F, Liao TG, Tang JG, Steglich W, Zhu HJ, Liu JK,* Vibralactone: A Lipase Inhibitor with an Unusual Fused beta-Lactone Produced by Cultures of the Basidiomycete Boreostereum vibrans. Org. Lett., 2006, 8, 5749-5752.
19.Wang CY, Liu JK, Ji YH, Zhao JF, Li L, Zhang HB. Total synthesis of (±)-Paeonilide, Org. Lett., 2006, 8, 2479-2481.
20.Feng T, Cai JL, Li XM, Zhou ZY, Li ZH, Liu JK,* Chemical Constituents and Their Bioactivities of Mushroom Phellinus rhabarbarinus,J. Agri. Food. Chem. 2016, 64, 1945-1949
21.Feng T, Su J, Ding ZH, Zheng YT, Li Y, Leng Y, Liu JK,* Chemical constituents and their bioactivities of Tongling White Ginger (Zingiber officinale), J. Agric. Food Chem., 2011, 59, 11690-11695.
22.Yu XF, Deng QP, Li W, Xiao LB, Luo XJ, Liu XL, Yang LF, Peng SL, Ding ZH, Feng T, Zhou J, Fan J, Bode AM, Dong ZG, Liu JK,*, Cao Y,* Neoalbaconol induces cell death through necroptosis by regulating RIPK-dependent autocrine TNFa and ROS production, Oncotarget 2015, 6, 1995-2008.
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35.Liu JK, Becker H, Zapp J, Wu DG. Four New Sesquiterpenes from the Insecticidal Plant Celastrus angulatus, Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 841-846.
36.Liu JK, Wu DG, Jia ZG. A Sesquiterpene Evoninate Alkaloid from the Rootbark of Celastrus angulatus, Phytochemistry, 1993, 32, 487-488.
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39.Liu JK, Jia ZJ, Wu DG, Zhou J, Wang QG. Insect Antifeeding Agents: Sesquiterpene Alkaloids from Celastrus angulatus, Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 2503-2506.
40.Yang XY, Feng T, Wang GQ, Ding JH, Li ZH, Li Y, He SH, Liu JK* Chemical constituents from cultures of the basidiomycete Trichaptum pargamenum, Phytochemistry, 2014, 104, 89-94
41.Wang F, Mao MF, Wei GZ, Gao Y, Ren FC, Liu JK* Hybridaphniphyllines A and B, Daphniphyllum alkaloid and iridoid hybrids suggestive of Diels-Alder cycloaddition in Daphniphyllum longeracemosum,Phytochemistry, 2013, 5:428-435
42.Wang F, Zhou DS, Wei GZ, Ren FC, Liu JK*Chlorantholides A–F, eudesmane-type sesquiterpene lactones from Chloranthus elatior,Phytochemistry, 2012, 77, 312-317.
43.Jiang MY, Li Y, Wang F, Liu JK* Isoprenylated cyclohexanoids from the basidiomycete Hexagonia speciosa, Phytochemistry, 2011, 72, 923-928.
44.Zhang L, Shen Y, Wang F, Leng Y, Liu JK* Rare merosesquiterpenoids from basidiomycete Craterellus odoratus and their inhibition of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases, Phytochemistry, 2010, 71, 100-103.
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47.Chen ZM, Chen HP, Li Y, Feng T,* Liu JK* Cytochalasins from culture of endophytic fungus Phoma multirostrata EA-12, J. Antibiot, 2015, 68, 23-26.
48.Luo DQ, Zhao LY, Shi YL, Tang HL, Li YY, Yang LM, Zheng YT, Zhu HJ, Liu JK. Velleratretraol, an unusual highly functionalized lactarane sesquiterpene from Lactaeius vellereus, J. Antibiot, 2009, 62, 129-132.
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52.Fang LZ, Qing C, Shao HJ, Yang YD, Dong ZJ, Wang F, Zhao W, Yang WQ, Liu JK* Hypocrellin D, a Cytotoxic Fungal Pigment from Fruiting Bodies of the Ascomycete Shiraia bambusicola, J. Antibiot., 2006, 59, 351-354.
53.Wang XN, Shen JH, Du JC, Liu JK* Marasmane Sesquiterpenes Isolated from Russula foetens,J. Antibiot., 2006, 59, 669-672.
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61.Zhu YC, Wang G, Yang XL, Luo DQ, Zhu QC, Peng T, Liu JK* Agrocybone, a novel bis-sesquiterpene with a spirodienone structure from basidiomycete Agrocybe salicacola,Tetrahedron Lett., 2010, 51, 3443-3445.
62.Yang WQ, Liu JK, Zhang HB. Total synthesis of pulverolide: revision of its structure, Tetrahedron Lett., 2010, 51, 4874-4876.
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69.Liu JK, Zapp J, Becker H. Comparative Phytochemical Investigation of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Salvia triloba, Planta Medica, 1995, 61, 453-455.
70.Liu JK, Wu DG, Jia ZJ, Zhou J, Zhu ZQ. Two New Sesquiterpene Esters from Celastrus glaucophyllus, Planta Medica, 1991, 57, 475-477.
71.Chen ZM, Yang XY, Fan QY, Li ZH, Wei K, Chen HP, Feng T,Liu JK. Three novel degraded steroids from cultures of the Basidiomycete Antrodiella albocinnamomea, Steroids, 2014, 87, 21-25
72.Luo XJ, Li LL, Deng QP, Yu XF, Yang LF, Luo FJ, Xiao LB, Chen XY, Ye M, Liu JK,* Cao Y* Grifolin, a potent antitumour natural product upregulates death-associated protein kinase 1 DAPK1 via p53 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells, Eur. J. Cancer, 2011, 47, 316-325.
73.Luo XJ, Li W, Yang LF, Yu XF, Xiao LB, Tang M, Dong X, Deng QP, Bode AM, Liu JK,* Cao Y,* DAPK1 mediates the G1 phase arrest in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells induced by grifolin, a potential antitumor natural product, European Journal of Pharmacology, 2011, 670, 427-434.
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