姓名: 胡晓敏
职务/职称: 教授
通讯地址: bat365在线平台登录入口生命科学学院8号楼8C303
2002.09 – 2007.03,中国科学院武汉病毒研究所,微生物学专业,获博士学位
1996.09 – 2000.06,华中师范大学,生物化学专业,获学士学位
2007.03 – 2019.11:中国科学院武汉病毒研究所
9.2016-2018, 国家重点研发项目“针对ZIKV、DENV、CHIKV的传播媒介伊蚊的防控产品及技术”,子课题科研骨干。
10.2013-2018, 非洲病原微生物及流行病防控、子课题科研骨干。
1)Geng P, Zhao P, Wan X, Mahillon J, Hu Y, Gong Y,Hu X*.Interspecies horizontal transfer and specific integration of the mosquitocidal toxin-encoding plasmid pTAND672-2 fromBacillus thuringiensissubsp.israelensistoLysinibacillus sphaericus.Appl Environ Microbiol. 2023 Feb 28;89(2):e0165222.
2)Peiling Geng,Yunfei Gong,Xiaofu Wan,Xiaomin Hu*.Influence of the phagemid pfNC7401 on cereulide-producingBacillus cereusNC7401.Microorganisms. 2022 Apr 30;10(5):953.
3)Zhao P, Zhang M, Wan X, Geng P,Xiong H*,Hu X*. Characterization and heterologous expression of a novel Co(2+)-dependent leucyl aminopeptidase Amp0279 originating from Lysinibacillus sphaericus.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2022 Feb;106(3):1139-1149.
4)Geng P, Cheng J, Yuan Z, Xiong H, Wang H,Hu X*.Horizontal transfer of large plasmid with type IV secretion system and mosquitocidal genomic island with excision and integration capability inLysinibacillus sphaericus.Environ. Microbiol.2021Sep;23(9):5131-5146.
5)Wan X,Geng P,Sun J,Yuan Z*,Hu X*.Characterization of two newly isolated bacteriophages PW2 and PW4 and derived endolysins with lysis activity againstBacillus cereusgroup strains.Virus Res.2021 Sep 16;198489.
6)Hu X*, Huang D, Ogalo J, Geng P, Yuan Z, Xiong H, Wan X, Sun J.Application ofBacillus thuringiensisstrains with conjugal and mobilizing capability drives gene transmissibility withinBacillus cereusgroup populations in confined habitats.BMC Microbiol.2020 Nov 26;20(1):363.
7)Zhang X, Karungu S, Cai Q, Yuan Z*,Hu X*.Effects of propoxur exposure on insecticidal susceptibility and developmental traits inCulex pipiens quinquefasciatus.Insects.10(9).288.2019. Sep
8)Karungu S, Atoni E, Ogalo J, Mwaliko C, Agwanda B,Yuan Z*,Hu X*.Mosquitoes of Etiological Concern in Kenya and Possible Control Strategies.Insects.10(6):173.2019. Jun
9)Tian S, Xiong H, Geng P,Yuan Z*,Hu X*.CesH Represses Cereulide Synthesis as an Alpha/Beta Fold Hydrolase inBacillus cereus.Toxins.11, 231.2019.
10)Fu P,Ge Y,Hu Y,Yuan Z*,Hu X*. A toxin-antitoxin system is essential for the stability of mosquitocidal plasmid pBsph ofLysinibacillussphaericus.Microbiol Res.2018 Sep; 214:114-122.
11)Geng P,Wan X,Cheng J,Yuan Z*,Hu X*.vB_LspM-01: A novel myovirus displaying pseudolysogeny inLysinibacillus sphaericusC3-41.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2018 Dec;102(24):10691-10702.
12)Hu Y,Cai Q,Tian S,Ge Y,Yuan Z*,Hu X*.Regulator DegU is required for multicellular behavior inLysinibacillus sphaericus.Res Microbiol.2018 Apr;169(3):177-187.
13)Fu P, Ge Y, Wu Y, Zhao N, Yuan Z*,Hu X*. The LspC3-41I restriction-modification system is the major determinant for genetic manipulations of Lysinibacillus sphaericus C3-41.BMC Microbiol.17(1):116.2017.
14)Fu P, Xiang X, Ge Y, Yuan Z,Hu X*. Differential expression of duplicated binary toxin genes binA/binB in Lysinibacillus sphaericus C3-41.Lett Appl Microbiol.65(1):90-97.2017.
15)Geng P, Hu Y, Zhou G, Yuan Z*,Hu X*. Characterization of three autolysins with activity against cereulide-producing Bacillus isolates in food matrices.Int J Food Microbiol.241:291-297.2017.
16)Xu K, Yuan Z, Rayner S*,Hu X*.Genome comparison provides molecular insights into the phylogeny of the reassigned new genusLysinibacillus.BMC Genomics.16:140.2015.
17)Shi T, Ge Y, Zheng D, Zhao N, Cai Q,Hu X*, Yuan Z*. Polyphosphate kinase of Lysinibacillus sphaericus and its effects on accumulation of polyphosphate and bacterial growth.Micriobiol. Res.172:41-7.2015.
18)Mei X, Xu K, Yang L, Yuan Z, Mahillon J,Hu X*. The genetic diversity of cereulide biosynthesis gene cluster indicates a composite transposon Tnces in emetic Bacillus weihenstephanensis.BMC Microbiol.14:149.2014.
19)Ge Y1,Hu X1, Zheng D, Wu Y, Yuan Z*.Allelic Diversity and Population Structure of Bacillus sphaericus Revealed by Multilocus Sequence Typing.Appl Environ Microbiol.77 (5): 5553–5556.2011.
20)Hu X, Swiecicka I, Timmery S, Mahillon J*. Sympatric soil communities ofBacillus cereus sensu lato: population structure and potential plasmid dynamics of pXO1- and pXO2-like elements.FEMS Microbiol. Ecology.70: 344-355.2009.
21)Hu X, Van der Auwera G, Timmery S, Zhu L, Mahillon J*. Distribution, diversity, and potential mobility of extrachromosomal elements related to theBacillus anthracispXO1 and pXO2 virulence plasmids.Appl Environ Microbiol.75: 3016-3028.2009.
22)HuX, Fan W, Han B, Liu H, Liu D, Zheng D, Li Q, Yan J, Berry C, Yuan Z*.Complete genome sequences of the mosquitocidal bacteriumBacillus sphaericusC3-41 and comparison with closely related Bacillus species.J Bacteriol.190: 2892-2902.2008.
23)Hu X, Li J, Hansen BM, Yuan Z*.Phylogenetic analysis and heterologous expressionofsurface layer protein SlpCofBacillus sphaericusC3-41.Biosci Biotech Bioch.72: 1257-1263.2008.
24)Hu X, Hansen BM, Hendriksen NB, Yuan Z*.Detection and phylogenic analysis of one anthrax virulence plasmid pXO1 conservative open reading frame ubiquitous presented withinBacillus cereusgroup strains.Biochem Biophysi Res Commu.349: 1214-1219.2006.
25)Hu X, Hansen BM, Johansen JE, Hendriksen NB, Smidt L, Jensen GB, Yuan Z*.Transfer and expression of the mosquitocidal plasmid pBtoxis inBacillus cereusgroup strains.FEMS Microbiol Lett.245: 239-247.2005.
26)Hu X, Hansen BM*, Eilenberg J, Hendriksen NB, Smidt L, Yuan Z, and Jensen GB. Conjugative transfer, stability and expression of a plasmid encoding acry1Ac gene inBacillus cereusgroup strains.FEMS Microbiol Lett.231: 45-52.2004.
27)胡晓敏;蔡亚君;周帼萍;袁志明*。蜡状芽胞杆菌群菌株中部分病原相关因子的检测。微生物学报, 2007, 47(3): 392~395。
30)Hu X,Mahillon J*. Chapter 5: Life cycle and gene exchange.Endospore-forming soil bacteria, Soil Biology, Edited by N. A Logan & P. De Vos. Spriger-Verlar Berlin Heidelberg, pp 89-114, Germany.2011.