


作者:郭小华    浏览次数:    责任编辑:    审核:    上传:    发布时间:2024-04-30















1. 2022年度中央高校基本科研业务费重大培育项目,CZP22003,基于多组学解析益生芽孢杆菌对肠道稳态的调控机制,2022/04-2025/04,30万元,在研,主持






(1)Shuang Lu, Kai Na, Yuanrong Li, Li Zhang, Ying Fang,Guo Xiaohua*, Bacillus-derived probiotics: metabolites and mechanisms involved in bacterial-host interactions. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2118659. (一区TOP;IF 11.208)

(2)Kai Na#, Jiani Wei#, Li Zhang, Xiangyu Li, Ying Fang, Lu Shuang*,Guo Xiaohua*, Effect of chitosan oligosaccharides (COS) and FMT from COS-dosed mice on the intestinal barrier function and cell apoptosis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022. 297: 120043. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120043. (一区TOP;IF 10.723)

(3)Shuang Lu, Ting Tao, Yating Su, Jia Hu, Li Zhang, Guoliang Wang, Xiangyu Li andXiaohua Guo*. Whole genome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli BE311 for fluorescence labeling and enterotoxin analyses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022. 23(14), 7502; doi:10.3390/ijms23147502. (二区TOP;IF 6.208)

(4)Lu Shuang, Kai Na, Jiani Wei, Li Zhang,Guo Xiaohua*, Alginate oligosaccharides: the structure-function relationships and the directional preparation for application. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 284: 119225. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119225. (一区TOP;IF 10.723)

(5)Lu Shuang, Liao Xianyin, Zhang Li, Fang Ying, Xiang Meixian,Guo Xiaohua*, Nutrient L-alanine-induced germination of Bacillus improves proliferation of spores and exerts probiotic effects in vitro and in vivo. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12:796158. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.796158. (二区TOP;IF 6.064)

(6) 李钢平,龙祝,李筱雯,况世昌,郭小华*,1株解淀粉芽孢杆菌B7快速液态发酵优化工艺研究,中国畜牧兽医,2021,48(3):792-800.

(7) 龙祝,胡 佳,杨庆金,方莹,郭小华*,微生物发酵法提升饲用大米蛋白粉品质的工艺优化研究,中国粮油学报,2021,36(2):109-114.

(8)Ya-ting Su, Chun Liu, Zhu Long, Hang Ren,Xiao-hua Guo*, Improved production of spores and bioactive metabolites from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in solid-state fermentation by a rapid optimization process, Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2019, 11(3): 921-930. (二区;IF 5.265)

(9)Xiao-Sheng Liang, Chun Liu, Zhu Long,Xiao-Hua Guo*, Rapid and simple detection of endospore counts in probiotic Bacillus cultures using dipicolinic acid (DPA) as a marker, AMB Express, 2018, 8:101. (三区;IF 4.126)

(10)Hang Ren, Ya-ting Su,Xiao-hua Guo*, Rapid optimization of spore production from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in submerged cultures based on dipicolinic acid fluorimetry assay, AMB Express, 2018, 8:21. (三区;IF 4.126)

(11)Yating Su, Xingjie Chen, Ming Liu,Xiaohua Guo*, Effect of three lactobacilli with strain-specific activities on the growth performance, faecal microbiota and ileum mucosa proteomics of piglets, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2017, 8:52:916-924. (一区TOP;IF 6.175)

(12)郭小华*,刘明,李文辉,杨凤娟,谯仕彦,酵母培养物对断奶仔猪生长性能、粪便菌群和血液指标的影响,中国畜牧杂志,2017,53(6): 107-112

(13)Guo Xiao-Hua#, Niu Chun-Cheng#, Wu Yun-Hua, Liang Xiao-Sheng*, M13 bacteriophage displaying tyrosine on surfaces for Fe3+ and Fe2+ ion detection, Virologica Sinica, 2015, 30(6): 410-416

(14)Jing-Jing Yang, Chun-Cheng Niu,Xiao-Hua Guo*, Mixed culture models for predicting intestinal microbial interactions between Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus in the presence of probiotic Bacillus subtilis, Beneficial Microbes, 2015, 6(6):871-877

(15)Yi-Ran Zhang, Hai-Rong Xiong,Xiao-Hua Guo*, Enhanced viability of Lactobacillus reuteri for probiotics production in mixed solid state fermentation in the presence of Bacillus subtilis, Folia Microbiologica, 2014, 59(1): 31-36.

(16)Xiao-hua Guo*, Zhi-dan Zhao, Hyang-Mi Nam, Jae-Myung Kim, Comparative evaluation of three Lactobacilli with strain-specific activities for rats when supplied in drinking water, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2012, 102(4):561-568.

(17) 赵志丹,郭小华*,熊海容,产淀粉酶益生乳杆菌的筛选及鉴定,中国微生态学杂志,2011,23(9):769-773.

(18) 郭小华*,赵志丹,熊海容,益生芽孢杆菌肠道微生态学研究进展,中国微生态学杂志,2010,22(12):1136-1139.



(21)Xiao-hua Guo*. Jae-Myung Kim, Jong-Man Kim and Suk-Chan Jung, Screening lactic acid bacteria from swine origins for multistrain probiotics based on in vitro functional properties, Anaerobe, 2010, 16(4):321-326.

(22)Xiaohua Guo, Defa Li*, Wenqing Lu and Xiangshu Piao, Screening of Bacillus strains as potential probiotics and subsequent confirmation of the in vivo effectiveness of Bacillus subtilis MA139 in pigs, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2006, 90(2):139-146


(1) 郭小华,胡佳,张莉,卢霜,一种大肠杆菌Escherichia coli ETEC BE-311菌株及其应用,2022.05.17,中国,ZL 2020 1 1533828.5

(2) 郭小华,胡佳,张莉,卢霜,大肠杆菌Escherichia coli ETEC BE-311-faeG及应用,2022.05.17,中国,ZL 2020 1 1522510.7

(3) 郭小华,任航,苏雅婷,一种采用响应面法快速优化金属离子促进芽孢产孢的方法,2021.02.02,中国,ZL 2017 1 1085131.4

(4) 郭小华,任航,苏雅婷,龙祝,刘纯,一种高浓度芽孢杆菌饲料添加剂的简易制备方法,2021.02.02,中国,ZL 2018 1 0497569.1

(5) 郭小华,苏雅婷,梁晓声,张莉,一种肠毒性大肠杆菌的特异性标记方法,2020.08.25,中国,ZL 2018 1 1191215.0

(6) 郭小华,杨菁菁,字春丽,陈沙,一种快速定量检测芽孢杆菌发酵液中营养体和芽孢体的方法,2019.03.01,中国,ZL 2016 1 1010404.4.

(7) 郭小华,熊海容,刘虹,覃瑞,一种从山药中提取山药粘蛋白的工艺,2013.06.19,中国,ZL2012 1 0173796.1



