


作者:吴云华    浏览次数:    责任编辑:    审核:    上传:    发布时间:2024-06-10





联系电话: 027-67842689



1 、 1988.9 — 1992.6 : bat365在线平台登录入口生物化学专业,获理学学士学位。

2 、2001.9 — 2006.6 :武汉大学化学与分子科学学院分析化学专业,获理学博士学位。

3 、2010.8 — 2011.3 :德国波茨坦大学,合作研究。

4 、2006.7— 至今: bat365在线平台登录入口生命科学学院从事教学和科研工作。 



湖北省生物物理学会会员; 中国化学学会会员



生物体内光合作用、生物氧化作用及新陈代谢作用都包含很多电子传递过程,生物体依 赖生物大分子、化学小分子之间的交互识别作用实现信号传导以及代谢调节。将生物体 内实现这些生物化学过程的生物大分子蛋白质以及 DNA 引入到传感界面,利用其固有 的电子传递、生物发光以及特异的识别特性,构建电化学和光学生物传感器,应用于生 物体内信号分子、生物医学标识物等的检测,实现其在植物生物学、即时诊断、环境污 染和食品安全等方面的应用。


(1) 主持:P450酶功能化光纤微电极的开发及植物活体一氧化氮和脱落酸的光电检测应

用研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目31670372), 2017-2020 年.

(2) 主持:基于细胞色素 P450-纳米粒子杂化系统快速检测环境中持久性有机污染物(国

家自然科学基金面上项目20777094)2008-2010 年.

(3) 主持:基于细胞色素 P450 纳米生物传感器快速检测蔬菜中农药残留(湖北省自然

科学基金一般项目 2011CDB423), 2011-2012年.

(4) 主持:基于细胞色素P450nor 快速检测生物样品中一氧化氮(湖北省自然科学基

金一般项目 2014CFB381), 2014-2015年.


1. 2015年获得第八批“3551光谷人才计划”。

2. 蛋白质电化学生物传感器的研制与应用,湖北省自然科学三等奖,2017.


1. Y.H. Wu*, L.Z. Hu, L.L. Wu, Y. Yang, Y. Li ,Real-time monitoring abscisic acid release from single rice protoplast by amperometry at microelectrodes modified with abscisic acid receptor PYL2 ,Bioelectrochem. 2024, 159 :108733.

2. L.L. Wu, Y. Li, Y.H. Wu*, Development of a high-throughput fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay for biotin in food. LWT - Food Sci. Technol. 2023, 189: 115531. 3. Y.H. Wu*, N. Jiang, Z. He, Y. Yang, Y. Li, Direct electrochemical detection of extracellular nitric oxide in Arabidopsis protoplast based on cytochrome P450 55B1 biosensor. Nitric Oxide 2023,132: 8.

4. Z. He, H. Deng, Q. Wang, Y. Li, X.S. Liang, D.L. Liu, Y.H. Wu*, Electrochemical and spectroscopic characteristics of cytochrome P450 55A3 and its interaction with nitric oxide. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2021, 167:1406-1413.

L.Z. Hu, B. Gong, N. Jiang, Y. Li, Y.H. Wu*, Electrochemical biosensor for cytokinins based on the CHASE domain of Arabidopsis histidine kinases 4. Bioelectrochem. 2021, 141: 107872-107879.

6. Y. Li, B. Gong, X.S. Liang, Y.H. Wu*, Direct electrochemistry of bacterial surface displayed cytokinin oxidase and its application in the sensitive electrochemical detection of cytokinins, Bioelectrochem. 2019, 130: 1-6.

7.B.Gong ,X.S, Liang ,Y. Li ,Q. Xiao ,P.C. Yang ,Y.H. Wu* ,Expression and Purification of Cytochrome P450 55B1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Its Application in Nitric Oxide Biosensing ,Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2018, 184: 102– 112.

8. Y. Li, Q. Liu, X.S. Liang, Q.Xiao, Y.J. Fang, Y.H. Wu*, A new fluorescence biosensor for nitric oxide detection based on cytochrome P450 55B1 ,Sens. Actuator B-Chem 2016, 230: 405-410.

9. P.Y.Sun, Y.H. Wu*, An amperometric biosensor based on human cytochrome P450 2C9 in polyacrylamide hydrogel films for bisphenol A determination, Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 2013, 178: 113-118.

10. X. Q. Liu, D. Z., X. M. Zhang, C. T. Wang, X. Q. Liu, Y.P. Tan, Y.H. Wu*, Study on the interaction between methyl jasmonate and the coiled-coil domain of rice blast resistance protein Pi36 by spectroscopic methods, Spectrochim Acta Mol Biomol Spectros, 2012, 88: 72-76, 2012.

11.Y.H. Wu*, X.Q. Liu, L. Zhang, C.T. Wang, An amperometric biosensor based on rat cytochrome P450 1A1 for benzo[a]pyrene determination, Biosens. Bioelectron. 2011, 26: 2177-2182.

12.Y.H. Wu, U. Wollenberger, M. Hofrichter, R. Ullrich, K. Scheibnerd, F.W. Scheller*, Direct electron transfer of Agrocybeaegerita peroxygenase at electrodes modified with chitosan-capped Au nanoparticles and its bioelectrocatalysis to aniline, Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 2011, 160: 1419-1426.

13.Y.H. Wu*, Direct electrochemistry of cytochrome P450 6A1 in mimic bio- membrane and its application for pesticides sensing, Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 2011, 156: 773-778.

14.L. Zhang, X.Q. Liu, C.T. Wang, X.Q. Liu, Y.H. Wu*, Expression, purification and direct eletrochemistry of cytochrome P450 6A1 from the house fly, Musca domestica, Protein Expr. Purif. 2010, 71: 74-78.

15.Y.H. Wu*, Electrocatalysis and sensitive determination of Sudan I at the single- walled carbon nanotubes and iron(III)-porphyrin modified glassy carbon electrodes, Food Chem. 2010, 121: 580-584.


1. 发明专利:吴云华,刘倩,莱茵衣藻一氧化氮还原酶 55B1 的表达体系及应用,2018, ZL 201510191895.6.

2. 发明专利:吴云华,李勇,龚斌,细胞分裂素氧化酶 OsCKX 3表面展示体系及其构建方 法和应用,2020,ZL 2018104011179.X.